Welcome Back!

Or should I say, it’s good to be back? Or Hi, we are back! Or, we actually haven’t ever left but took a hiatus from all the things due to the chaos of the past year.

Quick update and run down of what we have and have not done since we last posted:

We built an amazing hoop house! This allows us to grow pretty much year round. Our first winter of growing allowed us to be outside even on cold days. Our youngest colleagues, the PreK Farmers, grew kale, broccoli and lettuce, all of which was harvested and donated to our campus food bank.

We sold paper white bulb gardens at Christmas and sold out in just a few days. This was quite the feat as we weren’t even in school during this time! Our AIF team assembled the gardens before we dismissed and Coach Heather was able to tend and deliver all of those beauties for some holiday happiness.

We are working on updating our website and reviewing our business plan. While this isn’t the most “fun” part of running an agribusiness, it is so very important!

We have newly rebuilt beds for our original garden space. All of those beds are 7ish years old and falling apart. A generous and kind person rebuilt some of them for us and we are getting ready to fill them full of delicious compost just in time for our first round of planting this spring.

We have been invited to do an educational video for Five Mary’s Farms Ranch School. We are filming now and it is so fun to analyze and breakdown our process to share with the world. More info on this coming soon.

Most importantly, we have found a way to be together, create connection and community, and cultivate a safe space for us to digest, explore and design who we are and who we want to be during these unprecedented times.

We will be updating on a more regular basis and can’t wait to see you all, maybe lifting a shovel of compost or helping with some bed prep or when we have beautiful blooms to share with you all in just a few short months.

Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey and remember…

Flowers really do make us happy!